Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Dad, I think he is funny.

Here is the latest email from him....

We should wait until we know what we tell you that we are speaking Sunday, Father's day, at 9:00. YOur mom never prefers to talk in Sacrament, but she always does well, and it is better to get it done sooner rather than later, since then you can rest assured it will be a long, long time until you are put on the spot again. We were asked to speak on fatherhood and/or faith, so I guess it will be fatherhood. Don't feel constrained to come, but we thought it would be better to let you know in the event that you or some of you wanted to be there. After Sacrament, we go straight to our primary class, where we teach, and then to Primary, where we make hand signals. so that's about it.

Love, Dad

If you have any thoughts about the subject, any whatsoever, feel free to email us back. Even if it is " I wish you had done this, or not this. " As you might guess, it is not always an easy subject for the parent, mom or dad, to process. It is a continual learning experience.

1 comment:

lyndsey said...

I like your dad. He's awesome.