Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Greta reads to August.


Jill Bagley said...

ohh, greta is so grown up!!
what are you guys doing to prepare her for baptism?.
we are wondering what we can do for Ruby.

miss you!

sunderlage family said...

I know Greta is so old. I don't have any great ideas for preparation. I remember Ingrid was so serious about her baptism. I think Greta is just excited. She just started memorizing her articles of faith the other day. It's fun to see their excitement. Ruby's going to be 8 soon. Wish we could be there.

Rachelle Sunderlage said...

I love those moments when my kids love each other. Cute photo!

Jill Bagley said...

I want more updating WENDY!!! we miss you guys.
glad you are having a great time in Utah.
sounds like your life is rich and full!!