Friday, October 8, 2010


I planted a row of shrubs and it felt very good. Something about accomplishing something and doing the labor by myself. Digging in the dirt and sweating, it's all good. I need to get some pics on this here blog.

Taveuni, Fiji

My mother and father in law are in Fiji serving a mission for the LDS church. We already miss them and they haven't been gone a month. It is so fun seeing them on the island with the Fijian people. I love that Jack will wear a sulu and that they will eat crazy food. Thanks for being great examples for us and for our children. We love you Jack and Jean.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


August graduated from preschool as a 3 year old. He was so lucky to have his aunt Kerry for his very own teacher, not to mention his mother once a week. For his talent at his graduation he decided to surprise us all with a front flip. After two bounces he flipped over just like he does on the trampoline, only this time it was on the hard floor. He didn't shed a tear but I think he was in shock from the impact.


Greta turned 8 this year. She is a beautiful girl. I love how Greta is a friend to many people, young and old. She was baptized in June and it was such a sweet time. Thanks Greta for all of the happiness you bring to our home. She can really make us laugh.

Lovely Ladies


Fireworks on the 4th

Fireworks on the 4th

Fireworks on the 4th

Portland in July

Amanda Winn and Mutsumi. It was so great to visit. It had been 3 years since we moved away.

We walked to the park to play on the new play structure after a professional japanese meal by Mutsumi. We met the Winns at Hallinan park.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Portland this summer

Yep, it's a Banksy We just came across this fine beauty while strolling Northwest 23rd.

Friday, October 1, 2010

If you haven't had a Rob's Bagel, you are missing out. He is the master bagel man. I love him.
The night the girls made dinner. It was amazing. So proud of these creative and smart girls.

This was a fine dinner. Sometimes we have a darn good looking meal. Homemade bread, fabulous tomato salad, zucchini stir fry and cod. I know cod sounds gross but it was good.

We love the canyon winds. You never know what you will wake up to.
Came across this great photo of Greta and her friend Ella in gorilla wear. Love the orange faces.